Letting the dough do its first rise in the fridge overnight means improved flavor and ease of handling, but if you don't feel like waiting that long, leave...
Jarred roasted red peppers, canned white beans, and a bunch of pasta water make this pasta sauce flavorful, thick, creamy, and totally vegan. But the crunchy...
Pan-searing, then quickly braising celery and garlic in wine and broth turns into a warming meal with the addition of make-ahead marinated lentils. Top...
Inspired by a dish at Brooklyn's Saint Julivert Fisherie, this updated tuna noodle casserole is homey, bright, and pantry-forward. Chef and owner Alex...
These 10-ingredient gluten-free and vegan burgers are crisped up like a smash burger in the oven. We would never say that you HAVE to put cheese on them,...
Layering and baking sautéed garlicky greens, beans, and Parmesan on top of make-ahead Parmesan Polenta creates a super fast, pantry-friendly weeknight...
Butternut squash melts into the polenta as it cooks for this creamy make-ahead dish. Once transferred to a baking dish, pressing chunks of creamy Fontina...
Two kinds of mustard make all the difference in this sheet-pan dinner. Dijon mustard mixed with honey serves as a sweet-tart marinade for the chicken,...
Silky miso and a paprika-packed squash purée makes this risotto hearty and satisfying, not to mention vegan. Double or triple the squash purée since...
Three heads of broccoli spread across two sheet pans may seem like a lot. But when broccoli is this tender, crispy, and caramelized, it's hard to stop...
It's time we gave cabbage its place in the roasted vegetable hall of fame. When roasted at high temperature, humble cabbage becomes sweet and incredibly...
Stirring a simple vinaigrette into warm just-cooked lentils helps them drink up flavor so they taste anything but plain. Use French green or black beluga...
Eggs, cream, peppery greens. This is a low-fuss, highly satisfying brunch made in a skillet on your stovetop. It's a brunch recipe that'll impress with...
Don't even think about lifting this cake out of the pan before it's completely-and we mean completely-cool. Because it's vegan, with no eggs for structure,...
Starting spiced skin-on chicken thighs in a cold pan gives the skin extra time to crisp. For an easy, one-pan weeknight dinner, the chicken goes on top...
Make-ahead marinated lentils give heft, protein, and a rich earthy flavor to this pantry-only pasta dinner. The secret is to use some in the sauce and...
This dairy-free cake hits all the right autumnal notes: it's earthy thanks to the olive oil, warm thanks to the spices. Just be sure to choose your apples...
We took a cue from traditional Italian tonnato sauce (which uses canned oil-packed tuna) and combined it with classic deviled egg filling. Topped with...
You know pasta salad, but this is salad pasta. A whole salad's worth of greens, folded into pasta to make a complete dinner in one bowl (or plate). We...
This salad is a vehicle for eating crispy, melty cheese for dinner. Not just any cheese, but rich and dense grillable cheeses like bread cheese, Halloumi,...
Here, eggplant gets halved lengthwise, drenched in olive oil, and roasted at a very high temperature. It never quite crisps, but it browns and caramelizes...
Everything in this dinner (including the eggs!) cooks together in one steamer insert. It's the quick, fresh-tasting dinner we crave in the middle of winter...
Keep a jar of this seedy sprinkle on your counter to top bowls of yogurt, soup, salad, or anything you want to add a bit of crunch (and healthy fiber and...
If you find yourself with an abundance of cucumbers (or simply a craving for them), this salad taps into their cooling crunch without making a watery mess....
With a texture similar to saag paneer or green shakshuka, this dish of braised spinach and herbs gets a vibrant boost of flavor from lime juice. Unlike...
Third culture is the expression used to describe a person who is born to two immigrant parents and has grown up in a third-new-country, unassociated with...
Letting the dough do its first rise in the fridge overnight means improved flavor and ease of handling, but if you don't feel like waiting that long, leave...